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Guidelines for submitting your site(s) to the Hypnodomme Utopia toplist

Hi Ladies! The Hypnodomme Utopia toplist consists exclusively of women who practice erotic hypnosis. If you do erotic hypnosis phone sessions, sell erotic hypnosis mp3s and/or videos, and have a website, I am inviting you to join. Please review the following guidelines, first.

1. Clips stores and blog sites are welcome, but please do not submit free-hosted websites that have generic ads. Basically, this means no websites that are hosted for free by Webs or Google.

2. Please make sure you have a banner to submit with your website link, and that the banner size is either 468x60 or 468x80. If you do not have a banner for your site, or if your banner does not fit the dimensions stated above, please join once you have one (of the right dimensions). Also, flash banners won't work, so please make sure your banner is a .gif or .jpg

3. It is highly recommended that you host your banner image on your own website, rather than free photo hosting options like TwitPic or PhotoBucket. Those options tend to remove images and close accounts without warning (I had it happen to me with PB). If your images get deleted, the ugly "this photo has been removed" thing shows up in it's place, in which case your link would be deleted.

4. Please make sure you link back to the site with the code that is e-mailed to you after you join. Clicks on the return link count as votes, which will place you higher on the toplist.

5. The website(s) you submit must be well maintained, informative, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing, without broken links and/or images.

Thanks for reading, and hope to bring you some great traffic!



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